1637-1654 Sweden Queen Christina 1/4 Ore


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Struck over 365 years ago, these affordable copper 1/4 Ore coins recall the first permanent Swedish settlement in North America. In the 1600s, Sweden was one of the European powerhouses that hoped to take advantage of the lucrative fur trade and resources the new world offered. In the spring of 1638, ships landed in Delaware Bay and colonists subsequently built Fort Christina, naming it after their 12-year-old queen. Located in what is today Wilmington, it was the first permanent European settlement in the greater Delaware River Valley.

The coin’s obverse displays three crowns and the initials C, R and S, representing Queen Christina of Sweden. The reverse features crowned arms, the date and denomination. Always eager to hatch a plot or stir up trouble, Christina found she couldn’t escape the expectation that she marry. Rather than conform, she abdicated in 1654, giving the throne to her cousin, Karl Gustavus. Dating back to America’s earliest days, these coins are older and more affordable than most U.S. colonial coinage. They are a worthwhile addition to either a colonial coin or world coin collection. Don’t delay – order today!