Here's the newest distinctive set issued by the Mesa Grande Indians who have lived in present-day California for over 10,000 years! It honors 6 different Native American tribes with coins that have a common obverse featuring a stylized bald eagle, an important symbol for many tribes. Special commemorative reverses show the various tribes in traditional dress and each denomination honors a specific group:
- 1¢ Iroquois "People of the long house"
- 5¢ Mohawk "People of the Great Flint"
- 10¢ Cherokee "Principal People"
- 25¢ Crow "Children of the big-beaked bird" (eagle)
- 50¢ Shawnee "Southerner"
- $1 Sioux "Seven Council Fires" (Oceti Sakowin)
Unique and slightly larger than their U.S. counterparts of the same denomination, each coin displays the tribal names for the denomination along with the English version. The Mesa Grande tribe is officially recognized as a Sovereign Nation by the United States, and are legally authorized to produce commemorative coins. All six 2013 Uncirculated coins are sealed in an attractive card ready to give or display. Available only through Littleton in the USA – get yours today.